
Fresh from the field

Efko offers a wide range of the best salads

The origin and quality of our greige goods are always at the center of our considerations. Our main greige goods for salad production (such as potatoes, white cabbage, beetroot, root vegetables) often come directly from the Eferding basin – our company headquarters for 80 years now. Production takes place under strict efko quality guidelines.

Ready-to-serve salads in delicious variations are particularly popular in small and single households. In addition to saving time, these products also offer consumers a delicious side dish.

Unsere Gurkenspezialitäten

Knackig, klein und mit einem Happen im Mund. Kein Wunder, dass unsere feinen, kleinen Gurken so beliebt sind. Ob kräuterig-würzig, balsamico-mild oder mit klassisch-feinem Aufguss, da ist für jeden was dabei!

Eferdinger Gurkerl
AllPotato snackSalad barPUREpickledchilledultrafresh

Carefully processed

A colorful selection of the finest salads with different tasty marinades. The ideal splash of color for every salad bowl and a treat for all salad lovers.

Recipe ideas

Alles Wissenswerte über Gurken