
Fresh from the field

The market for ultra-fresh salad and vegetable convenience products is growing rapidly.

Efko offers a varied selection of fresh salads, high-quality vegetable products and deliciously marinated salads. Selected raw materials are freshly sourced every day and, of course, predominantly from Austrian agriculture.

Unsere Gurkenspezialitäten

Knackig, klein und mit einem Happen im Mund. Kein Wunder, dass unsere feinen, kleinen Gurken so beliebt sind. Ob kräuterig-würzig, balsamico-mild oder mit klassisch-feinem Aufguss, da ist für jeden was dabei!

Eferdinger Gurkerl
AllSalads in pouch packsSalad cupsRuck Zuck vegetable

Carefully processed

At the Vitana headquarters at Vienna’s Großgrünmarkt, Vienna-Inzersdorf, production takes place every day and the vegetables are washed exclusively with fresh Viennese spring water. Vitana is one of the leading Austrian manufacturers of fresh salad and vegetable products and is a 100% subsidiary of the efko group.

Recipe ideas

Alles Wissenswerte über Gurken